Sunday, March 17, 2013

Day in the Life of Small Town

Not up before the sun, but I'm starting a busy day.  It is the start of Spring Break and I have so many things to do.  Sorry I have not posted daily but the time change has done me in and I don't like change.  So, where shall I begin my life is ever before me with over thinking and carrying unneeded baggage. So that is my first priority this week is to give it to my Lord that has clearly said lay it down.  My focus this week is the house; cleaning, a new roof, paint, yard work, fixing a toilet, replacing post, and last but not least replacing light fixture.  Oh, and I forgot garden, and sanding the floor than painting,  I might even get to finish my tile I started in the kitchen.  That is just my house, my small business to the side is getting started this week with busy hands.  Experiment galore be ready church family for laundry soap, dryer balls and lotion, maybe even some soap and shampoo.  The Lord is needed this week to keep me focus on my list.  Oh, yes photos will come lots of photos.

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