Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Words Of Wisdom

"Alas, some people say, "I believe in the mercy of God; I don't believe God will allow one to perish; I believe everyone will get to Heaven." Look at those antediluvians.  Do you think He swept all those sinners, all those men and women who were too wicked to live on earth - do you believe He swept them all into Heaven, and left the only righteous man to wade through the flood?  Do you think He would do this, and yet many men believe all will go into Heaven.  The day will come when you will wake up and know that you have been deceived by the devil. No unrepentant sinner will ever get into Heaven, unless they forsake their sin they cannot enter there.  The law of God is very plain on this point: "Except a man repent." That's the language of Scripture.  And when this is so plainly set down, why is it that men fold their arms and say, "God will take me into Heaven anyway." 

Dwight Moody

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