Saturday, June 20, 2015

Sweet Essence

Sometimes you find a book that gives you a glimpse of how that person looks at God and their passion to know him more.  You don't find this often by any means, but I have found it sitting on a shelf at the local Library.  "Girl Meets God"  by Laura Winner

"Once, When we were still dating, Steven read aloud to me from an obscure British novel
( possibly, perhaps, by H.G  Wells, or possibly by Evelyn Waugh; I'm never able to remember); he read a scene in which a believer and a cynic are debating God.  Of  course I know you believe in it, the cynic says, what I want  to know is do you believe in it the way you believe in Australia?  Some days, I believe the Christian story even more than I believe in Australia.  After all, I have never been to Australia, it is just a picture on a map.  I don't know if I will ever go there, but I know that eventually I am going to Glory.
Living the Christian  life, however, is not really about that Australia kind of believing, It is about a promise to believe even when you don't.  After all, when I stand up in church to say the Creed, it may well be that that very morning I didn't really know for sure that some fifteen year old virgin got pregnant with a baby who was really God.  Saying the Creed is like vowing to love your bride forever and ever.  That vow is not a promise to feel goopy and smitten  every morning for the rest of your life.  It is a promise to live love, even, especially, when you don't feel anything other than annoyance and disdain."

Laura Winner

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