Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Day in the Life of Small Town

Up before the sun, eating my favorite breakfast;  apples and peanut butter.  At my feet sits a very intense puppy resting his head on my lap and begging for another piece. I'm listening to my favorite song  Ludlows and reading one of my favorite chapters in the Bible, Acts 17.  Later on I'm going to go see my favorite horse Bella, and take some pics hopefully before the snow comes.  Yes, today is the day snow travels through Arkansas and the chill is already in the air.  I love snow, hopefully we get some good pics to post.  This is the day of favorites; apples and peanut butter, Ludlows, Acts 17, Bella, and last but not least snow. 


  1. Arkansas weather, you have to love this state cause the weather would make you run. We might have a change of plans because it started sleeting and sleet first then snow that spells danger in our state.
