Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Healthy Living

I read something disturbing yesterday, and for health reason our diet is changing  a full 180 degrees.  A particular sweetener is being added to our food called Neotame this particular additive is more toxic than Aspartame.  This particular sweetener will not be added to the ingredients listings, so even if you are health cautious about what your body ingest you could be eating it unaware.  So I decided last night that, after the cupboards are bare we are going to eat mostly local home grown or organic foods.  Staying away from processed foods for the sake of health.  It is so disturbing to see that these toxin are passed through with the Gov. blind eyes for the sake of self and not caring about the health of their people.  I'm not going to get on my soap box, because this could go on for hours if I did.  I do what to leave the website about this particular sweetener and let you weigh the cost.

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