Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day in the Life of Small Town

Well, woke up before the sun but posted much later.  I'm in a lazy mood on the 1st day of 2013, not wanting to do much of anything.  My mind on the other hand is running 90 to nothing thinking about 2012 and what will 2013 hold for me.  Thinking about things that were accomplished and things that were set down for another time.  Hopefully this year will bring much accomplishment. 

My Dreams Of  2013

  • Learn to be Self Suffient
  • Prepare House to Sell
  • Sell House
  • Buy Land
  • Grow Garden
  • Produce Herbs for Selling
  • Produce Items from Herbs to Sell
  • Create Items to Sell
  • Expand Blog
  • Make Money from Blog
  • Get to Place Where I can Start to Upcycle
  • Sell Upcycle Items Online
  • Continue in Photography
  • Continue to Enter Photo Contests
  • Sale Photography
  • Produce Inventory for My Family Busness
  • By 2014 be Ready for Business
  • Teach Magness Not to Bark at Every Car Door that Shuts
  • Teach Sophie to Not get Stuff off the Counter or in the Trash
  • Keep a Spotless House, Always Ready for a Vistor
  • Teach Dogs New Tricks
  • Organize, Organize
  • Less T.V
  • More God (Prayer, Reading His Word, Studies)
  • Write a Children's Book
  • Publish a Children's Book
  • More Activities
  • Healthy Eating,  Get to a Ideal Weight  (Family Goal)
I did say, Dreams of 2013 but God can accomplish much through his power.  Because many of these seem impossible through my eyes but God can accomplish much through the blessings of Abraham.

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