Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Sweet Essence

I'll Be Ready
_Armor of God 

Sweet  Lord, our magnificent provider I thank you for the promises that are set before me today and the victories you have already spoken over my life.  

First, I put on the belt of truth, I choose to live today by what is true, not by what I feel.  My emotions are fickle but truth never changes.  And the truth about me is that I am chosen, loved, and forgiven, even if I don't feel it. The truth is that I have a purpose and a calling. The truth is there's someone for me to love and encourage today. 

Next, I put on the breastplate of righteousness.  My righteousness does not come from me; it comes from you. I choose to live how you see me, which is holy and blameless. No matter what happened this past week, I am white as snow because your mercies are new every single morning. Today I walk with a holy swagger dressed in the perfection you purchased for me. Not in arrogance, but in confidence that you are my Father and I am your child. And if you don't condemn me; nobody can, and that includes myself. 

Now I put on the sandals of the gospel of peace. You desire for me to live in peace as I walk in my calling. My schedule is now in your hands, and I will not be hurried or rushed today, regardless of what happens. I will be a calming, stable, and steady presence everywhere I go. 

Then I put on the helmet of salvation. I know that my thought-life is crazy, and today I choose to take every disobedient thought captive in the name of Jesus Christ. I know there are lies heading my way even as I pray, and so I protect my mind with the helmet, for  those thoughts are nothing but a waste of my time. Your love surrounds me when my thoughts wage war, and so I will dwell on nothing but what is good, right, pleasing and pure. 

Image result for start of a raceI pick up the shield of faith, ready to take ground for the Kingdom. Temptations, criticism and storms are on the horizon, but with this shield I claim victory out loud and ahead of time, knowing You are going before me. I know that faith pleases you, and heaven will touch earth in my life through the delivery system of my faith. And so today, I believe there's nothing you can't do in my life and through my life. 

Finally, I take up the sword of the Spirit, which is the Bible. Your Word is a double-edged sword that will teach me, guide me, discipline me, comfort me, and prevail against the enemy.  Your Word says that He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world. Your Word reminds me that when I comment my life to your glory, you will commit your resources to my story. 

Father, I go now about my day and invite you along for every step of the way.  Thank you for choosing me as a representative of your love to a world that so desperately needs that love.  Let the people in my life see Jesus in me, as your power is made perfect in my weakness. Today, make me ready 

In Jesus' name I pray,  Amen

Hold fast to want is good because in Him all things are fulfilled.  

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